Wednesday, August 26, 2015

SIDs Awareness Scholarship

Empowering Women through the Love and Compassion of Christ

P.O. Box 690 • Burkesville, KY 42717
 270-864-2200 • 270-406-3193 •

"SIDs Awareness Scholarship"
In Memory of:
Caden Gregory Oakes
March 23, 2011 - July 14, 2011

Application Deadline:  September 30th, 2015


·         Non-Traditional Student
·         Complete Application and Submit to Esther House Women’s Empowerment P.O. Box 690 Burkesville, KY 42717 on or before September 30th, 2015
·         Write a 500 word Essay on “SIDS Awareness.” (Follow Essay Guidelines)


 500.00 SIDS Awareness Scholarship In Memory of Caden Gregory Oakes
            Scholarship will be awarded October 24th, 2015 at Esther’s Evening of Hope

"SIDs Awareness Scholarship"
In Memory of:
iNFANT:  Caden Gregory Oakes
March 23, 2011 - July 14, 2011

Name:  _______________________________________________________________

Address:  _____________________________________________________________

Phone Number:  _______________________________________________________


Where do you plan to attend school or receive your training?


School Address and Phone Number______________________________________


Have you been accepted?   No____ Yes____

What date do you begin classes? _________________________________________

What are your career goals? ______________________________________________



Are you currently employed?  No____ Yes____   
 If yes, explain what type of work and how many hours per week you are working?



Have you received any other scholarships:  No____ Yes____

Have you ever applied for this scholarship in the past: No_____ Yes____ When______

In the space below, please describe briefly why you want to be a recipient of this scholarship and your desired occupation upon completion of your education.








 Signature of

Applicant:  ___________________________________________Date: ______________

Guidelines for writing your "SIDS Awareness Essay"

Part 1: (Based on Research)

1. Define SIDS

2. Approximately how many infants die each year from SIDS in the U.S. alone?
    (please reference research article where you obtained facts) 
3. What are some of the known (non-medical) causes for SIDS?

4. What steps can be taken to make the general public more aware of SIDS?

Part 2:

Talk about how tragic SIDS is for any parent.
This can be based on an interview with an actual parent that has lost a baby to SIDS or from your own experience.  However, if this is too painful or not possible, you may quote from an article or book you've read. 
Please use reference notes when using published articles in magazines, books or newspapers, or even on-line stories.  (i.e. - cite author's name(s), name of published works and date)   Note:  this should be brief and not a big part of your essay.

Part 3:  (In your own words)

1. Please discuss the 5 steps most people go through when experiencing the death of a loved one and why it is so hard on a parent when they lose an infant child.

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